About this time last year, I was sending out data showing what an anomalous year 2018 had been:

(see footnote for data sources)

Everything was down.  There was nowhere to hide.

Well, here we are 12 months later, and I am sending out data showing what an anomalous year 2019 has been:

 (see footnote for data sources)

Whereas everything last year was down, everything this year was up.  Weird how that works.

Now, to be sure, 4th Quarter 2018 was especially brutal, which gave 2019’s performance numbers a very strong tailwind at the start of the year:


So although US stocks clocked in at a blistering 30.65% in 2019, when combined with 2018, the S&P 500 has averaged 9.8% over the last two ‘anomalous’ years – about in line with the 10.2% average annual return it’s been doing since 1926.  Which simply reinforces our long-held belief: in the short-run, markets are incredibly unpredictable.  In the long-run, they’ve been incredibly reliable.

Anyhow, here’s our Quarterly Market Review for period ending 12/31/2019:Download 2019 Q4 Quarterly Market Review Here